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PhysioAssist at the ERS 2022 – Barcelona

We’re so thankful we could meet you again at the ERScongress, it was a pleasure to welcome you to our booth.
We’d like to thank all the experts who participated in the presentation of our Poster “Novelties in respiratory muscle testing, training and airway clearance and our Workshop.

We are happy to share with you the poster presented two weeks ago during the European Respiratory Society conference in Barcelona, here is the conclusion:
The safety and performance of Simeox were compared with that of Mechanical Insufflation/Exsufflation (MI-E) under lung testing conditions.

Simeox generated Peak Expiratory Flow (PEF) with a flow bias (PEF/PIF: 2.98 [2.35,3.7]) effective in moving secretions proximally and greater than that of MI-E (PEF/PIF: 1.75 [1.56,2.02])

Simeox had no deleterious effect on End-Expiratory Lung volume (EELV) and airway patency, by producing smaller ΔEELV and lesser maximum expiratory bronchial resistance (MEBR) compared with MI-E
🌟 These data support safety and efficacy trials of Simeox in patients and RCTs comparing its efficacy with commonly used ACTs.

Replay of our session at the European Respiratory Society congress!

👩‍⚕️ Workshop: PhysioAssist Industry Skills Lab session: “A new era in mucus management”
Topics :
Simeox technology – Florence Danet, PhysioAssist (Paris, France).
Why Airway Clearance is important – Pr João Carlos Winck (Porto, Portugal)
Result of Simeox HomeCare Bronchiectasis trial – Borel Jean-Christian, PhD (Grenoble, France)

We’d like to thank all the attendees and our speakers for the quality of this session.
Mucus management is indeed a key component that should be mastered with the aim of improving the patient’s quality of life and well-being.


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